Monday, December 15, 2014

From Lima to Paris: before the Global Climate Agreement

Before the global climate agreement for the protection of the climate in Paris during 2015, the negotiations hit red at the conference held in Lima, where a roadmap is being prepared.
This Friday 12/12 countdown started for the results that may effect the final decisions for the planet.
195 nations are committed to finalize a new agreement for the climate in Paris and climatologists warn that the later we make decisions the more difficult and costly will be for them to be applied. 
A battle rages in Lima, that will continue in Paris, between countries and public opinion who want serious and committed decisions and the big companies of oil and charcoal that try to prevent any progress of negotiations...
climate march

Go Vegan this January!

A big effort has started in Australia and U.S.A. to raise awareness and promote veganism.
The message is: try to go vegan for a month, this January!  It's a suggestion to start the new year with a life decision that can change the life of the people who will use this chance to listen to their bodies, the animals and the planet.  And watch the results.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Worldwide Fur Free Friday!

When are we going to wake up???
Fur is the skin of an other creature.
We don't need other creatures' skin, we have our own!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

what is most important in life...

We lost our humanity when we dumbed them...

Thursday, November 20, 2014

He is not a piece of bacon!

They fight to live till their last moment, as we would...
Αγωνίζονται να ζήσουν μέχρι την τελευταία στιγμή, όπως θα έκανες κι εσύ...

...some die from thirst and some just waste water...

We save water with simple everyday acts.  Some of them save A LOT of water! 

Σώζουμε πολύτιμο νερό με μικρές απλές κινήσεις
- ...κλείσε τη βρύση όσο βουρτσίζεις τα δόντια σου (γλυτώνουμε 12 λίτρα νερού)
- ...αντικατέστησε ένα βοδινό μπιφτέκι με ένα μπιφτέκι λαχανικών (γλυτώνουμε 2.192 λίτρα νερού!!!)
- ...κάνε ένα ντουζ αντί για ένα μπάνιο (γλυτώνουμε 18 λίτρα νερού)