This six-month old goat born with NO HIND LEGS taught itself how to walk
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
Team creates edible 6-pack rings for sea life
Team creates edible 6-pack rings for sea life, reduces plastic waste and saves lives
Alternative World News NetworkMay 18, 2016, 12:00:01 AM
Instead of killing the animals, it feeds them. This is the backbone of the idea that is the edible six pack rings, developed by Saltwater Brewery, from Delray Beach, Flordia.
“It’s a big investment for a small brewery created by fisherman, surfers and people that love the sea,” Peter Agardy, head of brand at the brewery, said.
“We hope to influence the big guys and hopefully inspire them to get on board,” Chris Gove, president of the company, added.
The rings are the first of their kind.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Don't catch birds
During spring birds are found looking for food. Providing this valuable food will help them survive and feed their offsprings. Catching a wild bird means we destroy their nest, abandon their offsprings that become easy victims of their predators and this wild bird will soon die from sorrow.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
The Elephants Always Line Up To Hug This Old Lady.
Daphne Sheldrick is one of those heroes you won’t hear about in the news, she won’t have schools named after her, but a hero who in the span of almost half a century saved hundreds of orphaned elephants right there in her home in Nairobi.
Mrs. Sheldrick is the one who perfected the formula that mimics elephant milk which proved to be crucial for these babies orphaned by poachers. Even though in her 80, she still gets up every morning with the same dedication to keep these gentle giants safe from extinction just a bit longer. Truly an inspirational human being.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Stop this...
Although experiments on animals are not needed, a lot of companies still use them in their every day practice. We can and must stop this...
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Taking a Stand: 22,000 Nurses Refuse “Mandatory” Vaccinations

If you are a nurse in the US and refuse the flu vaccine (one the CDC has even admitted doesn’t always work, largely due to fast mutations and too slow of production) then you have to wear a face mask while on duty. Despite the fact that multiple studies have also shown that flu vaccinations are ineffective and do not offer any extra protection for hospital patients, hospitals are forcing the issue on some of their most prized employees.
If you are a nurse in the US and refuse the flu vaccine (one the CDC has even admitted doesn’t always work, largely due to fast mutations and too slow of production) then you have to wear a face mask while on duty. Despite the fact that multiple studies have also shown that flu vaccinations are ineffective and do not offer any extra protection for hospital patients, hospitals are forcing the issue on some of their most prized employees.
Some nurses are choosing to lose their jobs instead of being forced into receiving a vaccine. Others are fighting back by suing the hospital, state, and federal governments for $100,000,000 for trying to take away their constitutional rights.
Dr. Karen Sullivan Sibert, herself a pro-vaccine doctor, wrote an opinion piece explaining how requiring nurses to wear masks for refusing the flu vaccination violates HIPAA law for patient privacy. More importantly, it forces our front lines in the healthcare industry to take a concoction with numerous questionable ingredients, including known neurotoxins like aluminum, foreign proteins derived from GM ingredients, and more.
There are in fact, more than 22,000 nurses, part of Nurses against Mandatory Vaccines (NAMV), who are refusing mandatory vaccines. NAMV was founded when mandatory vaccines were introduced in the workplace, and though it is not pro-vaccine OR anti-vaccine, it is certainly pro-CHOICE. NAMV members believe that all people should have the right to choose and refuse medical treatment, including nurses and healthcare workers.
More HERE!
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Friday, May 20, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Pedigree – Hearts Aligned
Human and animal hearts align in a unique way when they are together - it's a non verbal but very important connection that helps and heals both...
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
All Non Human Animals… Are Conscious Beings
Prominent Scientists Declare “All Non Human Animals… Are Conscious Beings.” The Dalai Lama Protests Chicken Slaughter. An Orangutan Won Non-Human Rights Over Zoo Keeper. What Do the Teachers Say About Non-Human Compassion?
A prominent international group of cognitive neuroscientists and other experts made a strong declaration, endorsed by Stephen Hawking, affirming that all “nonhuman animals… including octopuses” are sentient and feel emotions such as fear and happiness. In Argentina, an orangutan won non-human rights against his zoo-keeper. Recently, in the news, a monkey won the rights to a selfie photo over the owner of the camera.
The advance in non-human rights begs the question, from a Buddhist perspective, when we promise to liberate all sentient beings — or not to kill — just who do we include? If our definition includes all beings down to insects and octopuses, how do we reconcile our dependence on “lower” beings for survival?
Increasingly, teachers are speaking out on non-human sentience and unnecessary suffering for these beings. When the Dalai Lama famously protested “cruelty to chickens” in 2012, it was inspired by an abundance of compassion (see “Dalai Lama and Chickens” below). How does the “Cambridge Declaration” from an international group of prominent scientists, stating that even octopuses feel emotions, change our view? More importantly, what do our teacher’s say? To help provide insight, we collected teachings from the Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Bikkhu Bodhi, Thich Nhat Hanh, Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Kyabje Chatral Sangye Rinpoche, Geshe Thubten Soepa, and, of course, Stephen Hawking and the Cambridge Scientists.
Stephen Hawking and Non-Human Consciousness
Monday, May 16, 2016
Meet Genesis
Meet Genesis: an 8 year old vegan
activist changing the world
Friday, 25 March, 2016
The next generation of activists are starting early
There is something very special about that moment when we join the dots and realise the link between the food we’re eating and the animals we love. Genesis Butler has this experience far earlier than for most people. Going vegetarian of her own volition at the age of four, she chose to become vegan aged six, spurred on by a realisation she had watching her mother breastfeeding her baby brother.
Supported by her family, all of whom have joined Genesis in following a vegan lifestyle, she has gone from strength to strength in her animal advocacy. Genesis has picketed circuses, given speeches to her local governors, been interviewed on news stations and set up her own foundation to raise money for animals in need – all before her ninth birthday.
More HERE By Elena Orde
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Friday, May 13, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
The Russian Govt. has Decided to COMPLETELY BAN...
...the Use of Any & All Genetically Modified Ingredients in Food Production
Sunday, November 29, 2015

In other words, Russia just blazed way past the issue of GMO labeling and shut down the use of any and all GMOs that would have otherwise entered the food supply through the creation of packaged foods (and the cultivation of GMO crops).
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Russia has just announced a game-changing move in the fight against Monsanto’s GMOs, completely banning the use of genetically modified ingredients in any and all food production.
“As far as genetically-modified organisms are concerned, we have made decision not to use any GMO in food productions,” Deputy PM Arkady Dvorkovich revealed during an international conference on biotechnology.
This is a bold move by the Russian government, and it sits in unison with the newly-ignited global debate on GMOs and the presence of Monsanto in the food supply. It also follows the highly-debated ruling by the World Health Organization that Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup is a ‘probable carcinogen.’
But I also want to put it into perspective for you. If this announcement were to be made in the United States, for example, it would mean a total transformation of the food manufacturing industry. But in Russia, the integration of GMOs is not close to the same level as in the U.S.
We know that, in the United States, 90 plus percent of staple crops like corn are genetically modified, along with 94 percent of soybeans and 94 percent of cotton. A ban on GMOs in food production would radically change the entire food supply. In Russia, however, the country is much more poised for a GMO food revolution.
As RT reports:
“According to official statistics the share of GMO in the Russian food industry has declined from 12 percent to just 0.01 percent over the past 10 years, and currently there are just 57 registered food products containing GMO in the country. The law ordering obligatory state registration of GMO products that might contact with the environment will come into force in mid-2017.”
President Vladimir Putin believes that he can keep GMOs out of the country, even while staying in compliance with the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) commandments. In a past meeting addressing the members of the Board of the Russian Federation Council he stated:
“We need to properly construct our work so that it is not contrary to our obligations under the WTO. But even with this in mind, we nevertheless have legitimate methods and instruments to protect our own market, and above all citizens.”
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Whale celebrates the freedom of its friend
Thanks, guys! Whale celebrates the freedom
of its friend cut free from lobster nets with incredible leap
by hero fishermen's boat
- The stunning images were captured by whale-watcher guide off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada
PUBLISHED: 13:14 GMT, 3 October 2013 | UPDATED: 13:28 GMT, 3 October 2013
This whale was literally jumping for joy after a rescue crew saved her friend from drowning.
These extraordinary photos show a humpback whale 'celebrating' after another female was cut free from stray ropes attached to old lobster pots.
The stunning images were captured by Christine Callaghan, 62, off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada.
She said: 'I've seen many breaches, and they are always awesome. But this one was different and special in a way that made my throat tighten.'
The incredible moment was captured by Christine Callaghan, 62, a guide with a whale-watching cruiser in the region
Grommet the humpback whale bursts through the water in celebration after members of the Whale Rescue Team managed to free sidekick Foggy
Christine, a whale-watch guide with Pirate's Cove Whale & Seabird Cruises, had been leading a trip when they received reports of an entangled whale and decided to take a detour.
The discovered a female humpback known as Foggy who had become ensnared in ropes from old lobster pots in the Bay of Fundy, two miles offshore of Long Island.
Foggy, described by Christine as a 'Fundy favourite', was born in 1987 to a whale named Bermuda.
Humpbacks return to the feeding grounds their mothers brought them to when they were calves, meaning Foggy returns to the bay year after year.
The whale had rope wrapped around her head and across her blowholes and peduncle - the narrow part of her tail, just ahead of the flukes.
Foggy was dragging a mass of old lobster traps beneath her, causing her to list to one side with the weight of all the gear.However, remaining faithfully by her side throughout the ordeal was a fellow humpback known as Grommet.
Another boat, the Shearwater, from the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown, happened to be in the Bay and came to offer assistance.
The Shearwater crew were able to do an initial survey and radio through details to the Fast Response Craft that was speeding to the scene.
A member of the Whale Rescue Team prepares to use specialist equipment to disentangle old lobster pot lines from around Foggy.Members of Campobello Whale Rescue Team helped the whale, who had rope wrapped around her head and across her blowholes and peduncle.
The Campobello Whale Rescue Team then used specialist equipment to cut the rope snagging Foggy's tail, and then the ones around her head.
The crew decided to leave a single strand in her mouth, fearing they would cause excessive bleeding if they dragged it out, and figuring that she would likely be able to rid herself of it.
The instant Foggy was freed, Grommet dove and then burst from the water in a spectacular celebratory breach.
Christine said: 'The timing, immediately after the ropes were cut completely freeing Foggy, and the fact that it was Foggy's 'friend' that breached, was so touching to me.
As Foggy was cut free from stray ropes by whale rescuers, Grommet breached next to the rescuer's boat in an amazing display of thanks.
Freedom! Foggy was freed and Grommet, who had remained faithfully by her side, was thrilled
'Knowing how intelligent these animals are, and having observed Grommet's steadfast, seemingly protective companionship of Foggy those several hours while we waited with them for the rescue boat, I personally interpreted that breach as an act of joy and celebration that her pal was out of danger.
'Everyone on the boat felt a huge sense that we had just witnessed something wonderful.'
All present were left with a smile on their face as the two whales swam away side by side up the Bay, the northernmost reach of the whale feeding ground known as the Gulf of Maine.
The mouth of the Bay is one of the best places in the world to see several different species of whales, including finbacks, minkes, the very rare North Atlantic right whale and humpbacks.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Dog Too Sick To Stand Wags His Tail For Rescuers
Dog Too Sick To Stand Wags His Tail For Rescuers
By Christian Cotroneo
Apr. 20, 2016

Last Friday, a lost dog was dying an anonymous death on a South Carolina road.
Bo's battered body, already half-starved from wandering the streets for weeks, could no longer move after being hit by a car. His owner had long given up hope of finding his runaway dog.
The driver who ran him over didn't stop. Others passed him by.
Except one.
Michael Rodriguez was on his way home from work when he saw cars ahead slowing down.
"I could tell they were watching something, but I couldn't make out what it was," the 22-year-old tells The Dodo. "Then I saw it was a dog.
"He was kind of halfway on the road and halfway out. He was kind of right on that white line."
Rodriguez pulled over to the side of the road, gently lifted Bo and sped to an emergency veterinary clinic.
Rodriguez became the first link in a chain of compassion that would span scores of volunteers, veterinarians, pilots and organizations.
"My family has always instilled that compassion for animals. If we're not there for them, no one else will be," he says.
At the animal hospital, Rodriguez didn't hesitate to pull out his credit card. Whatever it took to save this dog.
An early estimate for Bo's care was $6,000. He needed an MRI and a neurologist. It was so daunting that Bo's original owner, found later, said he couldn't take the dog back.
At just 2 years old, Bo would be a very costly special-needs dog for the rest of his life.
Then another link in this chain clicked into place. Rodriguez' mother began drumming up support online to help pay for Bo's skyrocketing medical costs.
And then another link: Jackie O'Sullivan of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC heard about the case and wanted to help. But first, Bo would need to be transported to New York City.
O'Sullivan reached out to Paul Steklenski, founder of Flying Fur Animal Rescue— the next link in this chain.
Just a couple of days earlier, Steklenski had flown 22 dogs to a rescue in New Jersey.
"She called on Saturday and I said, 'I don't know if I can do this. I can't necessarily afford it,'" he tells The Dodo.
But ultimately, Steklenski couldn't say no to Bo.
"Once you know that you're the only real missing link, how do you say no to that?" Steklenski says. "You suck it up and do it."
He would make this flight for just one dog.
"I like these guys," he adds, "because they always take the worst of the worst. The dogs no one would even touch."
Indeed, that sentiment seems like a common refrain in Bo's journey.
Steklenski picked up Bo in Richmond, Virginia, and flew him to Morristown, New Jersey.
Bo was so fragile, he had to be moved with the utmost care. A sling was made from blankets to ensure his body didn't twist or bend while he was being taken from the plane.
And finally, a volunteer drove Bo to a Brooklyn animal hospital under the care of Rescue Dogs Rock NYC.
"He's emaciated because he was out on his own for two-and-a-half weeks," O'Sullivan tells The Dodo.
In addition, one of Bo's front paws had lost its padding.
"You can see a wound down to the bone," she says.
He still needs skin grafts on his front leg, as well as an MRI on his spine. One of his legs has completely lost blood flow.
But there's one link in this chain that's already falling into place.
Despite being unable to stand or walk, Bo somehow manages to wag his tail.
The journey ahead will be a long one — adoption is still a far-off prospect, as Bo's medical needs are still being assessed. But Bo is no longer anonymous. He will have all the company in the world on this road.
Much of that thanks to a 22-year-old who decided this dog's journey would not end on a busy road.
"Most people would have just left the dog in the road," O'Sullivan says. "And I'm sure many people did leave the dog in the road. But [Rodriguez] really is a hero.
"He picked up an unknown, strange adult dog, put the dog in his car and not only drove the dog to the emergency vet but took sole responsibility for him in the hope that people would stand up."
And the amazing thing is, people did. "It was nothing short of a miracle to pull it off," O'Sullivan says.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
only 50 left... let's save them!
A critically endangered Asiatic Cheetah There only about 50 left on this planet! #Op4Cheetahs #RacingExtinction
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Meet Genesis: an 8 year old vegan activist changing the world
Friday, 25 March, 2016
The next generation of activists are starting early
There is something very special about that moment when we join the dots and realise the link between the food we’re eating and the animals we love. Genesis Butler has this experience far earlier than for most people. Going vegetarian of her own volition at the age of four, she chose to become vegan aged six, spurred on by a realisation she had watching her mother breastfeeding her baby brother.
Supported by her family, all of whom have joined Genesis in following a vegan lifestyle, she has gone from strength to strength in her animal advocacy. Genesis has picketed circuses, given speeches to her local governors, been interviewed on news stations and set up her own foundation to raise money for animals in need – all before her ninth birthday.
I took the opportunity to talk to the eight year old Genesis about her role as a young activist, her campaign work, and her ambitious plans for the future.
How old were you when you decided to go vegan?
I was six years old. I found out animals were killed for food, and the milk mama cows make for their babies was taken from them. I believe we shouldn’t kill animals for food or steal their milk, so I went vegan.
Do you think that children and adults think about animals differently?
Yes! Children seem to really love animals and care about them. An example is my baby brother who is six. Mom said it was up to him to decide if he wanted to go vegan too. One day he got upset when he saw a dead squirrel in the street. He started to cry, and I told him, “That’s why me and mom are vegan. We don’t want animals to die when they don’t have to.” Ever since that day he has been vegan and he loves it so much. He always says he is happy he doesn’t eat animals. He gets it.
Do people react differently to you as a young activist?
They like that I am a kid who is doing what I believe in. They are really interested in what I have to say, and I think they take me more seriously because they know I am speaking from my heart. They listen to me more than adults. When my Mom tells people she doesn’t believe in killing animals for food, they give her lots of excuses. When I tell them the same thing, they listen and want to know more.
Tell us about the speech you made to your local council
I talked about the environment because California is in a drought and all you hear is to take shorter showers or take less time brushing your teeth, but this only saves a little bit of water. People not eating animals can save thousands of gallons of water. I want people to know how the food they eat has an effect on everyone, and I wasn’t scared because I always do public speaking. Now people in the city see me and recognise me, and I tell them about being vegan.
Are people surprised that you’re such an athletic vegan?
Yes, because they thought I wouldn’t be strong or get enough protein. I play soccer, basketball, and football, and people were surprised to see that I was a really good athlete withe more energy than the other kids. I even got Most Valuable Player for my football team, and I wore my Vegan Power shirt to get my award. I became a lot stronger when I went vegan. All athletes should be vegan because it doesn’t only make them stronger physically but also mentally, and it makes your heart stronger and that’s what matters most.
What has been your favourite memory of campaigning for animals?
What would you say to others who want to get involved in animal rights?
Whatever you put your mind to, you can do. If you want to go vegan, you can. If you want to get involved in protests then you can look online and find demos. Try going to a demo and you will see how many people also care about animals. Don’t be afraid, the animals need us.
What are your plans for the future?
I am also working on my foundation, Genesis for Animals, which will help people who rescue animals and need money for vaccinations, food and vet bills. I want to save as many animal lives as possible. I will also help fund private farmed animal sanctuaries like my favourite sanctuary, Busters Barn. I even have a goat named after me there! I want to make the whole world go vegan – and I know I am getting there.
By Elena Orde
Friday, May 6, 2016
Zimbabwe FINALLY bans trophy hunting after 1 million sign petition
Cecil the Lion: Zimbabwe FINALLY bans trophy hunting after 1 million sign petition
ANIMAL lovers calling for justice for Cecil the Lion have been boosted after Zimbabwe suspended hunting around its biggest game reserve.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Police Shut Down Veg Restaurant Opening Due to Crowds
New vegan diner in Berlin drew a crowd of 300 patrons, plus another 800 lined up for vegan beer and burgers.

By Richard Bowie ???????? 20, 2016
German authorities were called last weekend to clear a crowd of nearly 1,000 after a crowd formed at the opening of Dandy Diner in Berlin to sample the eatery’s free vegan burgers and beer. The event, thrown by owners and popular European fashion blogger duo Dandy Diary, was advertised via social media in hopes to “create buzz” and attract the “young, beautiful people of Berlin." However, 20 minutes into the opening more than 300 attendees crammed into the space, with an additional 800 spilling out into the street outside. Dandy Diner owners reportedly asked police to have the street shut down to protect patrons as they waited for their plant-based fare, but police refused and instead ordered the event be shut down to ensure public safety. “I think it’s a shame that the party ended so quickly,” co-owner Carl Jakob Haupt said. “But in the end, I’m satisfied. It was the best restaurant opening that there’s ever been.”
By Richard Bowie ???????? 20, 2016
German authorities were called last weekend to clear a crowd of nearly 1,000 after a crowd formed at the opening of Dandy Diner in Berlin to sample the eatery’s free vegan burgers and beer. The event, thrown by owners and popular European fashion blogger duo Dandy Diary, was advertised via social media in hopes to “create buzz” and attract the “young, beautiful people of Berlin." However, 20 minutes into the opening more than 300 attendees crammed into the space, with an additional 800 spilling out into the street outside. Dandy Diner owners reportedly asked police to have the street shut down to protect patrons as they waited for their plant-based fare, but police refused and instead ordered the event be shut down to ensure public safety. “I think it’s a shame that the party ended so quickly,” co-owner Carl Jakob Haupt said. “But in the end, I’m satisfied. It was the best restaurant opening that there’s ever been.”
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Wow! Vegetarian Options Up 633 Percent in Germany
by Joe Loria - April 20, 2016 |
According to a new Mintel report, vegetarian and vegan food offerings in Germany have increased by 633 percent, sevenfold what it was just five years ago.
In 2011 only 2 percent of all food on the market was labeled vegan or vegetarian, but fast-forward five years and it’s up to 12 percent. Vegan-labeled food alone has grown more than twentyfold.
Mintel attributes this jump to the mass appeal of foods that were once thought of as alternatives just for vegans and vegetarians. People who consume animal products are ever more conscious of the impact of their eating habits on theplanet, their health, and animals.
Mintel is one of many to report that the world is moving toward a compassionate plant-based diet. In fact, Meatingplace magazine, a meat industry publication, recognized the shift with a cover feature on plant-based foods in the March 2016 edition.
In the United States alone, meat alternatives are expected to make up 33 percent of the protein market by 2054. A recent Epoch Times article highlights the companies leading the charge.
Not veg yet? Visit for recipes and tips on adopting a healthy vegetarian diet.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Sunday, May 1, 2016
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