Thursday, June 30, 2016




This law could save lives. ​If you live in Florida and sweltering pooch is locked inside a vehicle, you have the right to physically react and rescue pets

Recently, Republican Governor Rick Scott signed House Bill 131 into law, allowing Floridians to break into locked automobiles to rescue pets or vulnerable people who are “in imminent danger of suffering harm.”
The bill comes as a direct response to the growing number of incidents where pets and children have died because they have been left in overheated cars.
However, the new law will only protect breaking into a vehicle under strict guidelines. If you’re faced with the situation, here’s what you need to know:
– First, you must check that the vehicle is locked.
– After doing so, call 911 or law enforcement before entering the vehicle or immediately after rescuing the child or pet.
– Finally, use no more force than is necessary to break in — and remain with the person or animal until first-responders arrive.
House Majority Leader Dana Young, R-Tampa, Rep. Jared Moskowitz, D-Coral Springs, and Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto, R-Fort Myers, ushered the proposal through the Legislature this session with unanimous support.

Monday, June 27, 2016

EU: Glyphosate’s time is up!

We’re one step away from a glyphosate-free EU. For the third time in a row, member states have refused to back the Commission’s proposed licence extension for weedkiller glyphosate.

But the Commission won’t take no for an answer, and will try to force through a last-ditch appeal in Brussels June 24. Otherwise, a whole lot of Monsanto’s Roundup will be coming down from shelves across Europe this year.

Instead of heeding the cancer warnings of the WHO, the European Commission has tried to do Monsanto’s dirty work by pushing through a licence extension despite experts agreeing that a ban of the pesticide is necessary to prevent contamination of our food, water, and soil.

Tell EU member states to deal the final blow and reject any extension of the glyphosate licence on June 24.

Together we’ve created a mass movement opposing the continued use of Monsanto’s favorite pesticide -- from which contamination has been detected in food, clothing, personal hygiene products and even breast milk. And governments are finally taking notice.

France, Germany, Italy, and others all abstained from the last vote on the glyphosate extension, reflecting growing consensus that the pesticide is bad news for the people of Europe. And if we can make sure the Commission fails again to gain a qualified majority on June 24, glyphosate’s time will be up by the end of the month.  

SumOfUs members have reached across the world to stand with people resisting Monsanto and other agrochemical giants. Thanks to public pressure and sound science, countries like France, Colombia, the Netherlands, and Sri Lanka have placed restrictions on glyphosate. But we know the chemical industry has a stranglehold on the European Commission, so we need to raise our voices now to make sure EU member states oppose any extension of glyphosate’s licence.

Tell EU member states that glyphosate’s time is finally up.  

This is the place where...

...monkeys are set on fire and left 

to DIE in tremendous pain! 

Started by Isadora Frantz 
Petitioning: Mridula Sinha – Governor of Goa

Goa is a state in Western India with coastlines stretching around the Arabian Sea. It has a population of over 1.8 million inhabitants and is one of India’s most visited places. Millions of tourists are attracted by the white sandy beaches, spleding, crystal clear waters and powerful culture sites.
Unfortunately, the region has a dark secret. A blatant and unreal abuse of innocent primates: hundreds of macaque monkey suffer a grim fate each year. They are severely neglected, captured by villagers and mistreated in the most inhumane way, including being set on fire. Later, they are chained up and left to die, for all sorts of abhorrent reasons. On most occasions, it is simply for their sheer amusement. Some other times, the monkeys simply wanted something to eat, but villagers claimed they were causing havoc in their communities.

More info and petition HERE

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Be their voice...

...because they can't talk for themselves...!
Billions of dogs are tortured and killed in horrible ways in so many places...
It's happening everywhere.  Not seeing it doesn't mean it doesn't happen...

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Strawberry and Nat Geo

Strawberry the chicken was recovering from her wounds when it was obvious that she got too bored to stay in one place.  So, they let her watch National Geographic documentaries.  Nobody expected that she would love it sooo much...

Friday, June 24, 2016

Chicken vs Chickpeas

Let's see the facts.

Paying it forward

Would you pay extra for lunch to feed a homeless person? Customers of a Melbourne cafe are helping to warm the hearts and the bellies of people less fortunate.

Read more here:

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Little Kitty Cries

A little kitty cries while receiving medical attention after being beaten. The video shared by animals rights organizations seeks to raise awareness on the fact that animals are suffering and they can prove it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

On 18 June 2016, the action of Vegan Impact

On 18 June 2016, the action of Vegan Impact echoed to the call of general de gaulle who championed the resistance and freedom.
As in 40, we are faced with a choice for the animals, to be part of the oppressors or resistant so of vegans.
The animals are like us of sentient beings, possessed of emotions, yet the human being continues to exploit them, maiming them, slaughter them and ignore them.
We want to educate the public, on a way of life ethics, who refuses the oppression of animals: the vegan who is refusing to use animals to feed, dress or be entertained.
It is time that we stop condoning this holocaust animal in our society. It is high time that we are moving towards a world of ethics, a world vegan!

Thanks to Aurélien for this beautiful video.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Japan march to close all slaughterhouses

More and more people around the world are waking up to a new consciousness...the welfare of animals. If the whole world could wake up to this realisation, we'd return this planet to the paradise it once was.

Source - Animal Rights Center (Japanese Animals Rights Group)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Pamela Anderson appeals for vegan options for 600,000 students

The actress and vegan animal rights activist presented the case at a board meeting of the Los Angeles Unified School District on June 14th 2016.

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Declaration Of Animal Rights

The Declaration Of Animal Rights

The Declaration of Animal Rights - a project of international animal rights and planet conservation group Our Planet. Theirs Too - was drafted in May 2011 and publicly read and signed on June 3rd of the same year, on the 1st National Animal Rights Day in the US, in the city of New York.

The Declaration was copied onto a large scroll of paper, which since then has been traveling the world and collecting people's signatures, drawings and notes. It is now 100 feet long, with almost 2,000 signatures. Once it reaches 50,000 signatures, the scroll will be sent to the White House, the UN, The EU Parliament and other world leaders, in order to show them what we, the citizens of this world, think of our fellow animals and their rights. We will do this until The Declaration of Animal Rights is recognized all over the world, and the rights proclaimed in it are protected by global law!

You can read and sign The Declaration of Animal Rights here.

Thursday, June 16, 2016


The village of Hobbits in New Zealand.  A natural paradise for everyone loves nature or the Lord of the Rings.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Animal heroes

Animal heroes helping other animals and giving the right example.


Farm animals don't belong to our plates but rather to our hearts...

Monday, June 13, 2016

Vegan meringues

Vegan bakers discovered chickpea juice acts like an egg white, putting meringues back on the menu.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Out to life...

Baby sea turtles make their way out of sand and into the sea.  The lucky ones that will survive this test will probably stay alive.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Beautiful Nature

There is no beauty like Nature.  Our Mother Herself...

The human small intestines test

One of the most secure ways to say if someone is a meat eater or a herbivore, no matter what has been told or wants to believe: the small intestines...

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Carl Lewis' interview

A rare interview with 9-time Olympic gold medalist, Carl Lewis, on his diet.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Ice cream at its best!!!

I love avocado but this is a dream come true!
Delicious vegan avocado-mint chocolate ice cream - miammm

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Yummy and vegan

This is a cruelty free cake to die for... ;)

An idea that saves lives!

Too many sea animals get killed by plastics that have conquered sea world.
So... a company made edible plastic that will both save and feed fish, birds and sea animals...!

Thursday, June 2, 2016