Saturday, November 12, 2011

shark extinction

It's not news.  But we hear about it once in a while like it's a fairytale, small letters on the news that we forget about it quickly after reading.  I heard it again recently.  70.000.000 to 100.000.000 sharks are killed every year, mainly for their fins, that it's a favorite soup dish for Hong Kong and mainland China.  And all this because of some people's belief in the soups magical healing and aphrodisiac powers.  It's so sad that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.  
The worst of all is that they cut shark's fins while the shark lies alive on the deck and then they throw him away at sea still in pain without any chance of surviving.  98% of the shark's body goes away in the sea to be eaten still alive by his preys.  The greater predator of the sea at little fish mercy hoping to die soon.


This awful image is an everyday job, around 1.000 sharks die every 5 mins, most of them without even being eaten, rather wasted, becoming part of the sea food chain and feeding little fish.
These images are too dreadful for me and other vegans that we don't consider shark as food anyway, but I believe they are difficult for other people also that want the taste without the guilt of a specie genocide just for a soup when there are so many other things to eat.  Because this wonderful creature, a sea master, who used to dwelled proudly at sea without an enemy, except of humans of course, is going to extinct soon.  Out of 312 shark species, 50 are threatened by extinction and 60 are near threatened.  Like the Javan rhino, who has very recently swept away, making our world poorer and less beautiful.  
Is it still in our hands to make a difference for the shark? Or it's just a matter of time to close our eyes at the elimination of one more very beloved specie?  How will we tell it to our children, who will see him in books, that he is gone?  That he was here hundred millions of years before humans and now he is gone in some decades because some humans find his fin tasty?
Maybe shark tourism is a way for humans, who count everything with gain, to give shark a chance to survive.  But this means that the ruthless hunt of sharks will have to stop or at least minimize.  Because they won't manage for long.  And we will be again the only ones to blame.  Pity that it won't matter any more.

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