Saturday, February 27, 2016

Egyptian writer will spend the next 3 years in JAIL for slamming inhumane sheep sacrifice!

Started by Eugene Boone 
Petitioning: Ahmed El-Zend – Minister of Justice – Egypt

Egyptian secular writer Fatima Naoot will have to spend the next three years behind bars after being found guilty of insulting Islam. The charges stem from a Facebook post that was published in October 2015 in which Naoot spoke against the inhumane practice of sacrificing sheep on Eid al-Adha, a tradition that has been carried out for thousands of years. She describe the tradition as one of the most inhumane practices carried out by human beings.
During the Eid al-Adha festivities, sheep are sacrificed as a symbol of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son. Sheep are put down while they are still fully conscious and moving and experience terrible suffering, all in the name of tradition.
‘I’m not sad about the actual sentencing, I don’t care about it. I’m sad that the efforts of reformists have been wasted’ she stated to France Press agency.
The defense attorney, Sherif Adeeb, was baffled by the decision.
‘We did hope for an acquittal. I cannot comment in any way on the court’s decision, but the situation is quite odd, because we have submitted proof that there mas no mischief intention on behalf of my client, a statement that was also supported by prosecution authorities’.
Her sentence comes into force immediately. However, she will be able to appeal the decision.
We, the undersigned, strongly feel that this decision is completely unfair and ask for Fatima Naoot to be acquitted. We believe in the freedom of speech and we believe that if Egypt wants to consolidate its democratic values, the decision to convinct Fatima Naoot has to be rescinded.
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