Monday, September 10, 2012

Gary Yourofsky's speech

After reading "The Liberation of Animals" I was wondering how much people had affected by the book or the movement in general to help the animals to come back to their normal way of life.  In fact, here in Greece, very few people would think like this even now.  So, I was glad and touched when I saw accidentally (if someone still believes in this word!) Gary Yourofsky's speech about animal cruelty and veganism.  I saw the whole video, I cried during the hard parts, and I wanted to hug him so so much and for some eternity (please, don't misunderstand!) because he is a child of this way of thought as I am and it was like I found a brother I had lost long ago in everyday routine.
This is a speech all humans should watch - I do believe this person can give the words "humane" and "humanism" a new meaning, much closer to their reality.
Please check.  It's not too long for its subject.

Thanks, Gary, for raising your voice for all of us who are just vegans and we don't have the courage to go all over and fight for our beliefs and for all non human animals on this wonderful marble in space. I am a fan.

p.s. the greek subtitles are for my greek fellow people who would mind to watch also the video - the english speaking ones can understand the simple and yet so effective language Gary speaks

compost fun

It's one of the most ecological actions someone can do for his/her garden or farm.  No need for chemical fertilizers and other substances that slowly destroy the earth, pollute the soil and kill everything alive around, even valuable insects and worms that nourish and heal the earth and her plants.
Pure natural, no smelling, a delicious full of nutrients treat for the plants to taste.  Happy plants, happy food for us.  And it's so easy to do it.  Needs time but not effort.
Compost is gold for gardeners and/or people who plant and want a really clean harvest that will ensure health and well-being.  But even for non organic cultivation, many cultivators use a percentage of compost in the soil to have better results.

How can it be done?  Composting involves mixing organic waste either from household or from the yard itself in a pile or bin and providing conditions that encourage decomposition. This is a process fueled by millions of microscopic organisms (bacteria, fungi) that take up residence inside the compost pile, where they continuously devoure and recycle the organic "waste" to produce a rich organic fertilizer and valuable soil amendment.  Captain compost is in fact Mother Nature that leads a natural procedure to make from things we would "normally" throw away valuable organic gold soil fertilizer.

The heroes are the common and yet unique earthworm and the other organisms that do the job.  Without them, earth wouldn't be able to sustain life.  So, you may not like them but they save our lives.

From garbage to garden and soil.  Simple and yet so effective.  I just love it!!!