Thursday, December 31, 2015

HAPPY, ECO Friendly and VEGAN 2016!!!

I wish you a happy and prosperous new year that will inspire us to help our planet and her inhabitants and make the change we need to for the future of all beings, ourselves and our children included.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

UN Says Veganism Can Save the World From Destruction

UN Says Veganism Can Save the World From Destruction

Veggie burgers may soon rule the land.
Can a vegan diet save the world? According to a new report from the UN, the answer is "yes."The Guardian writes that "a global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty, and the worst impacts of climate change." The report notes that the Western preference for meat- and dairy-heavy diets is "unsustainable," especially as the population is expected to grow to 9.1 billion by 2050.
The report adds that "animal products cause more damage than [producing] construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals." Plus, livestock raised for meat consumes a large portion of the world's crops and a lot of freshwater. Currently, agriculture, "particularly meat and dairy products," account for 70 percent of the world's freshwater consumption. It also accounts for 39 percent of the globe's total land use and 19 percent of its greenhouse gas emissions.
Importantly, as the population grows, the impact from agriculture will substantially grow as well, thanks to the the increasing consumption of animal products. The report notes that "unlike fossil fuels, it is difficult to look for alternatives." The only option is to cut down on the number of animal products consumed.
The UN isn't the only one advocating a more plant-focused diet. A couple from the United Kingdomare working hard to make "Veganuary" a global movement. The duo are trying to convince people to eat less animal products by going vegan for the month of January. According to a press release, 50 percent of last year's participants said that they "intended to remain vegan for good." Perhaps the UN just found a new partner in their global mission?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Where do jellos and marshmallows come from?

The awkward and sad source of gelatin...!

Marshmallows, Jello, and most gummies contain gelatin, but did you know that gelatin is made of the boiled skin, tendons, and ligaments of a farmed animal. How appetizing… not!
Posted by Animal Place on Monday, 22 June 2015

The Deli Prank

Will these people do the connection?

What the hell is going on behind the deli counters at the supermarket?!More pranks: #GaryTV_prank
Posted by Best Video You Will Ever See on Saturday, 13 December 2014

Monday, December 28, 2015

Earth's lifetime and our impact

We are a very active virus indeed!

The Greatest Threat to Our Planet

The Greatest Threat to Our Planet, the Consumer

END of

Sunday, December 27, 2015

America’s First All Vegan School

Say Hello to America’s First All Vegan School, Thanks to Suzy Amis Cameron and James Cameron

Gather up your eco-friendly backpacks and recycled notebooks kids, coming fall of 2015,MUSE school in Calabasas, California will be the first school in America serving an entirely plant-based menu to their students.

I love kale at school!

The school, which opened its doors in 2006, has two campuses and was founded by Rebecca Amis and Suzy Amis Cameron, wife of famed film producer and director, James Cameron.
With a strong seed-to-table program already in place and lots of flourishing gardens tended to by the students, the plan to guide the entire menu toward an entirely whole foods, plant-based one has been in the works for the last year and a half.
“It’s about raising kids who don’t think it’s strange or exotic or worthy of a pat on the back to be doing the right thing for the living biosphere.” Cameron said of his reasons for the menu offerings.

New Bacteria Resistant to All Antibiotics Found in China

Meat sin again!...

Recently a new bacterial mutation has been found in China which is resistant to all antibiotics. The gene mutation known as MCR-1 can also cross species of bacteria making it even more deadly and has already spread to Europe infecting humans. 

Intro: Puritania by Dimmu Borgir 
Outro: Beef by KRS-One 
Marxist Arrow by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Friday, December 25, 2015

Detoxifying Morning Juice

What best for an inside morning cleaning and a fresh start of the day?

Detoxifying Morning Juice <3
Posted by The Sundancefamily on Saturday, 19 December 2015

All I want for Christmas... becoming awaken!

Posted by Dave Rogers on Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Merry Christmas on an eco vegan planet!!!

Wild Africa

Truly the best video and song that illustrates the beauty of Africa. Guaranteed to put a huge smile on your face and goose bumps all
Posted by Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation on Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The most violent weapon on earth...

The most violent weapon on earth is the table fork ~Gandhi END
Embedded image permalink

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Facing jail for saving lives

Before and After of a chicken's life!  Her savior is facing jail...

FACING JAIL FOR SAVING LIVES This morning Animal Liberation Victoria activists Patty Mark and Noah Hannibal are in...
Posted by Animal Liberation Victoria on Monday, 7 December 2015

Fur Coats Banned At NYC Bars

Published on December 21, 2011 by 

An expensive fur won’t get you past the velvet rope at Johnny Barounis’ East Side bars — in fact, it will stop you in your tracks, according to a new article in DNAinfo. Barounis, who owns establishments on the Upper East Side, the Lower East Side and in the East Village, is refusing to serve patrons who come in wearing pelts. The 51-year-old vegetarian has won many fans and a few critics with his anti-cruelty stance, which has vetted customers at his bars for more than ten years and also extends to bans on certain foods, like veal and foie gras.   “It has been something I have done my whole life,” said Barounis,  the 51-year-old Upper West Side resident whose bars include the Lower East Side’s Revision Bar and Gallery and the Back Room. “I was always anti-hunting, anti-fur.” As the evening crowd roll into his trendy establishments, doormen question the pelts of patrons for their authenticity and even inspect the furs if there is any doubt.  “We tell people you are welcome to come in, but the fur stays out” said Barounis, as he sat in  Revision, on Avenue B and 14th Street, that is furnished with recycled materials.

A bathtub at Revision Bar and Gallery in the East Village has been converted into a couch. (DNAinfo/Serena Solomon)

Animals that are raised for their fur are often kept in small spaces like battery hens and meet there end by suffocation, electrocution, gas and poison, according to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal (PETA), of which Barounis is a member.  While many regular patrons are aware of the rule, some have been caught off guard. Last winter at the Back Room one woman became irate when she was denied entry due to her coat.
“She called the police and they almost locked her up for the false alarm,” Barounis said, who also owns the Auction House and Fetch on the Upper East Side.  Not only does the cruelty aspect to fur upset Barounis, but that the animal’s death is often worn as a status symbol only adds to the frustration. “I guess she felt entitled enough [to call the police] because she could not get into a bar with a fur coat,” he said, comparing it to “wearing a trophy.”
However, most patrons are graceful when their outfit is rejected. Another woman who also wanted to drink at the Back Room, a speakeasy with an unassuming entry at 102 Norfolk Street, simply took her fur coat off. “She rolled it up and stuck it in a dark corner in the alley,” said Barounis, adding that the woman fetched it after her night out. “She made no bones about it.” While Barounis sticks to his rule, he understands the conviction is a personal matter and is not interested in enforcing his views outside the walls of the bars he owns.“No radicalism here, there is no red paint, the fur thing is basically what I can do to help change some behavior,” he said.
Article via Serena Soloman at DNAInfo

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blood Lions v lion breeding and canned hunting

The turning tide: Blood Lions v lion breeding and canned hunting

The makers of the film, Blood Lions, expected to be taken on, and when the court legal challenge did come, the judge threw the case out in its entirety, and awarded the filmmakers all costs. The judge took the point that we simply ask legitimate questions and listen to the answers we are given. By PETER BORCHERT.
First published by Untold Africa.
The documentary film Blood Lions: Bred for the Bullet is making an extraordinary impact around the world. Even the European Parliament is sitting up and taking notice of the unholy alliance between lion breeding and canned hunting. The hunting industry is not enjoying the attention, and here in South Africa the Professional Hunter’s Association is turning against the purveyors of such practices.
Watch the trailer for Blood Lions:
The last few months have been a bit of a whirlwind for the makers and producers of Blood Lions, especially so for Ian Michler, conservationist, safari operator and special consultant to the hard-hitting documentary. It began with the first screenings at the Durban International Film Festival in Durban in July, and hasn’t stopped. Since then Ian has been in Brussels, Helsinki, Turku, London, New York, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Gaborone and Bogota to promote the feature film that digs deeply into South Africa’s predator breeding and canned trophy hunting industry. And an industry it certainly is, with more than 200 predator breeding farms raising lions for the bullet, the lion bone demand in eastern Asia, and the lucrative petting and voluntourism sectors.
 Peter has a career in publishing and conservation spanning more than four decades. His most recent project has been the development of Untold Africa, a meeting place for intelligent, engrossing and entertaining dialogue for a global community of like-minded people - people who share a common passion for the wild places of Africa, the creatures that inhabit them, and the breadth of African culture. DM
Photo: Two lionesses rub against a cage fence at a captive breeding centre for large predators at an undisclosed location in South Africa's Free State Province in an undated picture released 16 November 2005 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). EPA/IFAW.

How long do they last for?

It seems plastic is for ever... and it conquers the world!

#Plastic in the ocean breaks down into such small segments that pieces of plastic from a one-liter bottle could end up...
Posted by Kanu Hawaii on Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Animals in Their Natural Habitat

10 Incredible Places Across the World Where You Can Observe Animals in Their Natural Habitat


For the animal lover, seeing an animal in captivity is no way to see an animal at all. So we’re lucky to live in a time where it’s increasingly easy to see wild animals in the wild, as they should be. Here’s 10 incredible places across the world where you can observe animals in their natural habitat.

Animals have emotions like humans... and it's obvious!

Who says other animals don't have emotions? They show us the opposite in every chance...

Proof of emotion in animals. A female swallow had been hit by a car. Her mate came with food, and when he came back with...
Posted by Maria V Karlsson on Friday, 11 December 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Catchiest Not-Eating-Animals Tune Ever

This 40-Year-Old Vegan Rap Is The Catchiest Not-Eating-Animals Tune Ever

Forget what you think you know about vegans and get ready to gain a whole new respect for their lifestyle. Or at the very least, their song-writing abilities.
Toronto-based rap artist Chokeules has penned a tune to accompany any vegan feast — not to mention, provide the answers to some of the most annoying questions people who don't eat meat or dairy get asked all the time.
Including such catchy lines as "they call it rabbit food, just because I don't call a rabbit food," Chokeules lists off some of the vegan world's great achievements, including coconut bacon and cashew butter, all while hanging with the too-adorable-to-eat animals of Wishing Well Sanctuary is Bradford, Ont..
Care to sing along? Check out the video above.

You can not eat money!

Money is a human invention.  Destroying what really matters for money is paranoic and 100% stupid.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

One Pig to Conquer Our Hearts

VNN: Vegan News Net
• 5 days ago

How One Pig Convinced Thousands to go Vegan ...

Beautiful Endangered Bats

These Endangered Bats Are Beautiful — And This Slo-Mo Footage is Incredible!

Bats are one of the most endangered land mammals in the United States. The lesser long-nosed bat has been endangered since 1988, largely due to habitat loss and disrupted roosts. Despite the disturbances in their environment, they remain dedicated to their food source. Residing in the Sky Islands in Arizona as well as parts of New Mexico, Mexico, and Central America, the lesser long-nosed bats embark on a long distance migration in order to follow the flowering cycle of night-blooming cacti. They are one in only a handful of species that migrate such long distances. They also serve as pollinators for the cacti, creating a mutually beneficial relationship.
The following slow-motion video clip shows different bats feeding on the nectar of flowering cacti. Take a look.


New Conference on Animal-Free Food Innovation

New Conference to Focus on Animal-Free Food Innovation

BY  · DECEMBER 8, 2015
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Vegans hear it from meat eaters all the time: “I love my meat.” “I can’t live without cheese.” “BUT BACON.”
It’s an affinity for these familiar, animal-based foods that tends to keep a lot of people from adopting a cruelty-free lifestyle.
Luckily, more and more start-ups are using high-tech methodologies to replicate things like eggs, hamburgers, cheese — even gelatin. And a recently launched organization, The New Omnivore (TNO), is dedicated to getting the word out about these innovations. Its first event, a mini-conference, kicks off this Thursday in San Francisco.
“My mission is to change the way people think about meat and where it should come from,”says TNO founder Janay Laing. “If we as a society can accept the idea of cultured meat or making meat from plants, we will take a huge step forward for animals, the environment, and ourselves as moral, caring beings. But first people must learn about and support these innovations.”
The New Omnivore’s first public event is a mini-conference, scheduled for this Thursday, Dec. 10 in San Francisco. A full-scale conference will follow in Miami, in September 2016.
The mini-conference is a scaled down, three-hour version of the larger event. It’ll include keynote speakers, a panel discussion, bites (of course!) and games/prizes, all revolving around animal-free food.
“We’ve got an amazing lineup of guests from startups including GelzenClara FoodsNew Wave Foods, and Memphis Meats — all who are making animal-free animal products,” adds Laing.
As far as the 2016 event: “It will be the very first large event dedicated entirely to animal-free food innovation. I’m still working on confirming a venue, but I’m close, and once that’s done pre-registration will likely open in spring of next year,” she says.
Laing also plans to host speaking events about plant-based meat, dairy, and egg innovations at colleges and various venues across the U.S. in 2016.
Overall, The New Omnivore has a vision for the future of food.  “I want to make it a brand and a movement – for everyone who likes meat but doesn’t want the animal slaughter and all the other problems that come with traditional meat production.”
The New Omnivore mini-conference kicks off at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 10 at The Revolution at IndieBio, 479 Jessie St., San Francisco. Tickets are free and available online. 
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